Friday, July 17, 2009

Sermon 16 – Down to Earth

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1 comment:

  1. What I'd give to live closer to a wedge tail.Oh to not be stuck in the cream brick rental hell of the 'burbs dependent on airconditioners. But you know, despite this, I still get my 'down to earth moments'. On my way to work one morning, crossing the road, sardined in a pack of black suits and ties, no-one speaking to each other, looking at each other - I felt something drop on my head. And then again. I reached my hand up, expecting the worse, to pull out several pomegranate seeds out of my hair. Looking directly above me I discovered a beautiful Adelaide hills rosella gleefully devouring half a pomegranate and calling to its mate or vice versa. Has anyone else noticed how they make home of the buildings in the city centre? The bird was so clown like, balancing on one leg while eating this over sized fruit that I had to laugh, attracting the attention and frowns of several suits. One man stopped to see and looked upwards too. We both smiled and walked our separate ways to work. A down to earth moment in the 'burbs.
